
Ignite Your Potential

Take control of your life

Harness the power of your mind and get yourself motivated internally

Ignite Your Potential is Heidi Di Santo's first book and was originally published in 2000.

Ignite Your Potential is a book about taking control of your life and getting your thoughts working with you and not against you.

Heidi Di Santo ignited her own career from bored and unmotivated accountant to highly acclaimed public speaker.

This book will show you how to ignite your potential by:

  • Getting motivated and taking action
  • Expanding your comfort zone
  • Believing in yourself and persevering despite obstacles
  • Overcoming negative beliefs
  • Boosting your confidence
  • Taking control of your mind
  • Managing stress, balancing your life and energizing your body.


This book is only available in hard copy

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